Cold-Weather Motorcycle Riding Tips
Southeast Texas is typically a pretty balmy climate all year round, but we’ve had our share of cold snaps and sudden snows over the years. It’s always good to know how to ride in cold, wet winter weather, because even if you don’t encounter any in Texas, you’re likely to come across snow if you do any cross-country riding through the Midwest. Here are some tips to keep in mind.
Gear Up Correctly
Your standard motorcycle gear is likely pretty warm, but you may need an insulated riding suit or jacket and pants for very cold weather. It’s also a good idea to layer up your clothing underneath your riding gear, including thin wool or polyester layers that you can add to and remove as needed. Make sure that you also have insulated riding gloves, thick socks, a close-fitting knit hat to wear under your helmet, and a scarf to tuck into your jacket.
Check Your Tires
Cold weather can do a number on your motorcycle tires if you’re not mindful. For every ten degrees the temperature drops, you will likely lose one or two pounds of pressure in your tires, so you should check tire pressure frequently in cold weather and air them up as needed. You may even need to swap out the tires on your motorcycle for all-weather tires that offer good traction on wet or slippery roads.
Be Cautious
It’s best to ride only during daylight hours in cold weather, since the temperature can drop dangerously low at night and your visibility will be very limited. You’ll also want to slow down and take turns with care if the roads are wet. Finally, listen to your body and keep yourself fed and hydrated. If you feel like you’re getting numb or too cold to keep going, stop and find shelter where you can warm up before you continue your ride.
Stop by our Texas location in Beaumont to check out our current stock of new and used motorcycles for sale. Cowboy Powersports serves the cities of Pasadena and Lake Charles, TX.